Being Present with Jesus

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” John 14:1

Jesus said the words of today’s red-letter verse after he told his disciples that he would be with them only a little longer. He was going away, and from the way he talked, the thought of this must have caused his followers deep distress.

So he was going to explain to them that he was going to prepare a place where they could join him in the future. But first, he tells them the most important thing they do, the thing that everything else will hinge on. They need to believe in him they way they believe in God.

I’m reading, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” by John Mark Comer. Comer told about a survey Microsoft conducted in which 77% of people said they reach for their phone when they don’t have something else to do. Comer wrote, “”This new normal of hurried digital distraction is robbing us of the ability to be present. Present to God. Present to other people. Present to all that is good, beautiful and true in our world. Even present to our own souls.”

As I think about this, I think it’s ironic that Jesus was not going to be present any longer to his followers, and they were feeling terrible about it, but we aren’t as interested in being present with Jesus. Sure, we love to be with him at times — for church, or our morning devotional. But then, we reach for our phones.

Do you know why I often reach for my phone? It’s an escape. I have a stressful moment, and I look at my phone, and am blissfully distracted for a bit.

When people used to not have technology at their fingertips, they had to face the discomforts of life more.

And that actually brings me to the story of Jonah, which I’ve been reading. Jonah wanted to escape, as well. He didn’t want to be present with the task God gave him to do. Only, he wanted to escape, big time.

The way I can relate to this, is that Ken and I have been considering buying a little camper van. And I realize that one strong motivation for me having this is because doing the ministry over the past few years has been tiring, and I want to escape. I want to get in the van, and drive across the country, and be free!

But as I prayed about this desire to escape, it came to me that rest only comes from God. I can take a trip, and it could turn out to be the most stressful thing ever. I could stay home, and God can give me the most restful time ever!!

And I think that’s what Jesus was trying to say to his disciples. If your heart starts to be troubled, look to him, and him only. Believe in him, that he is the answer, to whatever is disturbing you.

Man, being able to believe in Jesus, even when he isn’t present! That’s the challenge today. And we’re only going to be able to develop that belief if we are present in the struggle, instead of escaping from it.

And we also are only going to be able to develop that belief if we make space for it to grow. A couple of days ago, I was driving back from Tuskegee at night. It’s about a 30 minute drive. And I told myself, “I’m not going to listen to music, or a podcast. I’m going to just be with God. I’m going to see this time with him as something that I value most.” And that’s what I did. It felt a little funny, but I was able to savor togetherness, and, after a while, pray in a natural way, not like I was going down a list.

So friends, do not let you heart be troubled. Make space for Jesus. Sit with him. Resist the temptation to escape.

He will give you a place to rest, both in this age, and in the age to come.

The benefits of being present. Seeing the beautiful blooms on my peach tree!

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Filed under John, Red Letter

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